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It’s a question many ask, or they are curious about what coaching could do for them. To begin this exploration ask yourself the following:

  • Are you looking for different results in your life and not sure where to start?

  • Are you achieving success in one area of your life and not in others?

  • Have you hit a ceiling of achievement and yet you know there is more you could do and want to do?

  • Are you experiencing a life transition related to career, your relationships personal or professional, health or other major area of your life?

  • Do you have a list of desires, goals or opportunities you like to pursue and can’t see to move in any direction due to feelings of failure, fear or overwhelm?


Whether you’re already experiencing success and want more or if you are stuck and frustrated looking for a breakthrough –  a coach could be a key you are looking for.

As coaches, Debbie & Terrie will partner with you and will commit to working to your agenda and desired outcomes and assist in the process of you creating the change you desire and design the life you chose.

Coaching is designed to:

  • Create awareness around how your thinking in creating your results

  • Explore your blindspots, bias, beliefs out loud with someone committed to a non-judgmental, supportive and empowering process to generate awareness and understanding

  • Spend time evaluating how, and why you do what you do for the purpose of insight and awareness to identify the changes needed to get your desired outcome.

What area does your life need coaching in? Use the download for the personal assessment wheel to identify which area of your life may benefit from coaching.

Elite 1 x 1 Coaching

This is your individualized coaching designed for individuals looking to increase growth and results, maximize your strengths, increase your performance and satisfaction, challenge and explore your mindset, beliefs, blind spots, and thinking keeping you from the breakthrough you’re looking for.

Our latest offering for one on one coaching: FIERCE Conversations Coaching On Demand. More on FIERCE Conversations below.

Group Coaching – via webinar

Topic specific programs designed to address a specific challenge or topic and targeted solutions.  Programs will have a weekly webinar session with accompanying materials for a specific period and number of session

ICF Mentor Coaching

If you are a coach and working towards your ICF – ACC level certification and are seeking your 10 hours of mentor coaching to apply towards your application criteria.  Both Debbie and Terrie are approved and available for mentor coaching hours towards your application.

To schedule an exploration conversation to see this coaching is your missing piece click below.

As Professional Coaches Certified with ICF we uphold and abide by the ICF Code of Ethics.

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